💰Attack/Defense/Voting Reward

Winning side earns from Losing side

When Freeze_duration ends, Voting result will be based on percentage of Yae vote

  • If Yae side wins (% Yes vote >= Yes_quorum)

    • Challenger earns Defense Reward = (User A's Defender_fund) x (1 - Voter_share)

    • Remaining_asset = (User A's Defender_fund) x Voter_share

    • Each Yae voter earns a share of Remaining_asset according to his/her share of Boost-Vote Power

  • If No wins (% Yes vote < Yes_quorum)

    • User A earns Attack Reward = (User B's Attacker_fund) x (1 - Voter_share)

    • Remaining_asset = (User B's Attacker_fund) x Voter_share

    • Each Nay voter earns a share of Remaining_asset according to his/her share of Boost-Vote Power

Last updated