👉Stake GOAT

To Boost your Trust Score, and Vote

Stake GOAT in your own pool = Lock-stake [Amount] ETH + [Lock Time]

When you Stake [Amount] GOAT in your own pool with [Lock-Time], 100% [Amount] will be sent to Locker smart contract.

After [Lock-Time] ends, [Amount] is Unlocked and can be Restaked or Unstaked.

Boost-Vote Power

When you Stake [Amount] GOAT in your own pool, your Boost-Vote Power = [Amount] x Multiplier(Lock-Time). The longer [Lock-Time] is (in months), the higher Multiplier is.

Multiplier(Lock-Time) = Multiplier_factor * [Lock-Time] + (1.01 - Multiplier_factor).

You can Extend your stake's Lock-Time anytime.

Stacking your Stake: Assume that you have already staked [Amount 1] with [Lock-Time 1] in User A's pool. After that, you continue to stake [Amount 2] with [Lock-Time 2] in A's pool.

  • New Amount = [Amount 1] + [Amount 2].

  • New Lock-Time = [Lock-Time 1] + [Lock-Time 2]

  • New Staking Power = [New Amount ]*Multiplier(New Lock-Time)

  • If you stake in your own pool, your New Staking Power is further multiplier with 1.5 (Self_stake_multiplier)

  • Your Lock-Time is restarted at the current time

Unstake: You can Un-Stake GOAT from your own pool anytime after Lock-Time is over.

  • Elapsed-Time = NOW - Lock-start-time

  • Lock-Time is over when: Elapsed-Time >= Lock-Time x (2 - [A's Financial_stability])

You cannot Un-Stake GOAT before Lock-Time is over.

What does Financial_stability mean? Check out Trust Score.

Last updated