🤝Trust Circle Marketing

Always good to be part of Trust Circles


1. Give to Earn

In order to earn commission from a promising Trustee, you have to Stake ETH in his/her pool and become his/her Trustor.

2. Dynamic Relationship

Your Trustor is not permanent. Once someone Stakes more ETH to your pool than your Trustor does, he/she will become your new Trustor.

3. Earning from Trustor

As you earn consistently, many people will want to become your Trustor, Stake ETH to your pool, further increasing your earning in both ETH and GOAT.

4. Earning from Trustees

You can Stake ETH and become the Trustor of as many Trustees as you like, and earn a share of their earnings, as well as earnings from their Trustees, and so on.

Trust Circle Marketing Rules

A Trustor picks his Trustees. When you has the highest Staking Power in someone's pool, you become his/her Trustor and start earning Trustor Reward from his/her earning.

Your Trustor = the one who has the highest Staking Power in your pool. You can have only 1 Trustor.

Your Trustees = all users who have you as their Trustor. You can have unlimited Trustees.

Trustee Snatching & Trustor Protection

Whenever you stake in User A's pool, if your new Staking Power exceeds its pool owner's Trustor Staking Power in that pool, you would become A's new Trustor.

In order to protect the Trustor status of early Trustor, the Staking Power of the current Trustor is multiplied by a factor called Current Trustor Advantange that scales with time.

The longer you stay a user's Trustor, the harder it becomes for your to be replaced.

When User B stakes in User A's pool:

  • t = Current_Trustor_time (time since last Trustor change)

  • s0 = Staking Power of the current Trustor of User A in A's pool

  • s1 = Staking Power of User B in A's pool

  • Trustor_power(s0,t) = f(s0, t) = s0 x (1 + (Max_Trustor_advantage-1) x min ( 1 , t / Max_advantage_after))

  • If f(s0, t) < s1, then B becomes A's new Trustor

When A's Trustor unstakes ETH from A's pool, A's Trustor remains but s0 reduces.

People who want to become your Trustor have to race to stake the most ETH in your pool.

Last updated